Names of Department
Sr. No. | Name of the Departments |
1 | Agronomy |
2 | Agril. Entomology |
3 | Genetics & Plant Breeding |
4 | Agril. Engineering |
5 | Agril. Extension |
6 | Agril. Economics |
7 | Animal & Dairy Science |
8 | Horticulture |
9 | Plant Pathology |
10 | Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry |
Department of Agronomy
This is the prime department dealing with fundamentals of crops and different agro techniques of crop production viz. seeds, sowing. Varieties / hybrids, manures and fertilizers, weeds and their management, soil water conservation techniques and irrigation water management. Various dry land/irrigated cropping and farming systems including organic farming under different weather conditions. Weather parameters viz rainfall, temperature sunshine hours, relative humidity, wind velocity, water evaporation in relation to crops and their stages are studied. Environmental charges?
Department of Agril.Entomology
Different types of insects their classification and identification their harmful effects on various field and horticultural crops. Beneficial insects viz silkworm, Honeybee, Lac, Parasite, Predator their multiplication and their use in crops protection under ecofriendly conditions. Insecticides their effect on crop pests and knowing of various plant protection equipments, their use and maintenance. To study the ecofriendly management of insects pesto also deals with biological conservation.
Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding
It deals with study of genes and basic concept of plant breeding for increasing crop productivity under various agro climatic conditions. Fundamental studies on crop physiology viz., photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration and absorption of plant nutrients from the soil are taught. Climate changes in relation to crop production, seed production, processing techniques and new concepts of bio-technology including tissue culture are studied.
Department of Agril. Engineering
Agricultural Engineering includes studies on computers, various parts and its working; internal combustion engine and farm machinery i.e. ploughs, cultivators, harrows, harvesters, sprayers and dusters, seed drill, electric motors; greenhouse technology; pressurized irrigation system; post-harvest technology i.e. handling, drying, storage etc; watershed management including study of different treatments. Surveying and Leveling of land for irrigation, drainage, construction of farm building and roads etc.
Department of Agril. Extension
Fundamental of rural sociology & educational psychology including social groups, social change, social systems, social institutions.Different extension methodologies. (Individual group & mass contacts) including visual, audio visual aids for effective transfer of agricultural technologies to the farmers through audiovisual aids like, television, Radio, OHP, LCD, DVD, charts, posters, leaflet, folders, Kisan Call Centre, internet, world wide web. Development of Entrepreneurship for farm business. Rural Agril Work Experience (RAWE) programs in different villages. which is helpful for to obtain information from grass root level.
Department of Agril. Economics
Application of different laws of economics in utilization of farm inputs viz. Seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, irrigation etc. LabourManagement, Cost of cultivation of various crops; various markets, marketing techniques, different financial resources for getting loan, co-operative sector, different strategies of agribusiness management.
Department of Animal & Dairy Science
Identification of different Indian and exotic breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, poultry and swine, their care and management routine management practices followed on dairy farm (dehorning, castration, tattooing, culling etc), housing structures of cattle, buffaloes and poultry. Livestock breeding methods, classification of feeds and fodder.Physics-chemical properties of milk, different platform tests of raw milk like sediment test, determination of fat.Methods of preparation of different milk products like Khoa, Pedha, Rabadi, Paneer, Chhanna, Dahi, Shrikhand, Chakka, Ice Cream etc.
Department of Horticulture
In this department Production Technology, different propagation techniques of Fruits, Flowers, Vegetable, Spices, Condiments as well as plantation crops, are studied & their pre-harvest and post-harvest Management and their processing. In this Department package of practices of fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Ornamental plants. Medicinal, Aromatic plants and Plantation crops as well as Spices are studied. Preparation of jam, jelly and squash.Raising of nursery, gardening, role of plant growth regulator in fruits and vegetable production. Different propagation techniques, identification of garden tools are also studied. Under Experiential Learning Programme (ELP) vegetable production module is being implemented during VIII Semester.
Department of Plant Pathology
Different plant Pathogens viz bacteria, fungi, viruses responsible for various field and horticulture crops diseases, their classification and identification are studied. Information on various crops and cropping system is given. Plant protection equipment’s, their use and maintenance are also studied. Mushroom production technology under ELP. Beneficial organism’s viz Rhizobia, Azatobactor, PSB, VAM etc. are also studied.
Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
Basic concept of soil, Soil Physico-chemical properties, plant nutrition, soil microbiology, etc. are studied. Information of plant nutrients in relation to their adsorption, uptake and their utilization is given. Studies on soil salinity, alkalinity, in relation to crop production are done. Studies on manures, fertilizers and agrochemical are done.